Scott Racing #25 - Latest News








October 12-13, 2001

Forward bite seems to have disappeared in the car. Friday we raced to 5th in the heat. This put us in the B-Main for Saturday. Saturday morning Chuck and I redesigned and rebuilt the rear suspension looking for forward bite. The car seemed to turn a lot better but there still wasn't any forward bite. They were taking 11 cars from the B-Main to the A. I finished 12th.

September 29, 2001

Back to Ventura again. I thought tonight was going to be a good night. I wanted to finish 4th in the heat so we would get a good transfer spot. I finished 4th for a 6th place starting position in the main. The main started pretty exciting with Steve roaring past in a ball of flames. The green was still out so I raced him for a while. It was pretty hot behind him. I was glad when they threw the red. After a complete restart we had 2 more yellows. Then on the restart of lap 8, after I was starting to get in the groove and move forward, the car in front of me climbed the backstraight wall, taking out the billboards in the process. I was on the brakes and heading toward the infield and almost made it, when his car spun and the rear caught my right front. I pulled off the track (under the red) and we went to work on the car. We didn't have the tie-rod end with us. It was in the truck. We also didn't have the proper (power) tools. I headed back toward the track just as they were going green. We would have pulled right in on the back of the pack, but Ventura shuts the gates when the green comes out. Chuck, Russell and I watched the rest of the race (no cautions) from the hot chute. Thanks to the local guys that helped Chuck and Russell with the car repairs. Paula got all the good stuff on tape and made her patented, killer sandwiches.

September 22, 2001

Another new track, another new experience. Robert and Chuck kept the Scott Racing motto "Never give up!" alive by putting the car back together faster than I could keep breaking it. On the second hot lap, the transmission coupler stripped and threatened to end the day. Luckily we got a new one from Bill Saltzman. Chuck, Robert and I pulled the transmission, installed the new part, and put it back together with plenty of time to spare. In the heat I thought I'd try something other than the one groove the track had. Big mistake! I spun going into turn one and we ripped the left front wheel off the car. Thanks to Troy and Buck for a ball joint and heim joint, and Chuck and Robert for rebuilding the front-end, we were ready to start in the back of the main. With 15 cars and no passing on the one-groove track, I was just hoping for a top 10 finish. Chuck was just hoping I would finish. After passing a couple of cars, and a couple crashing in front of me, I ran most of the race in 11th place. We played follow the leader for around 15 or 16 laps. Then on the white flag lap, cars started crashing everywhere in turn 2. I found an opening and stood on it. After all the dust settled, I finished in 5th. I want to thank Robert and Chuck for all the help this race, and the help all year. Paula did a wonderful job at her very important jobs of Videographer/Sandwich maker. I'm sure the crew appreciates the great food as much as I do.

September 15, 2001

We did our first out-of-town race this weekend. The track was slimy, slick the whole night. I couldn't hook-up for anything. Luckily no one else could either. We started dead last in the heat and made it to 4th. Luckily we got a 12th place starting position in the 22 car field. It was pretty much combat racing the entire night. Cars were bouncing off each other, bouncing off the walls, and flying through the air. I though my good friend Kathy was going to win by her awesome run winning her heat, but she got tangled with the front wall and I'm sure other cars. I bounced off the wall in exactly the same spot I bounced my Kart off the wall in 1987. The wall is still tougher than the cars. I took the car off the track and had the crew look it over. We got right back out and ended up with a 9th for the night. Not too bad overall. The other Bakersfield drivers finished 13th and 22nd. We'll be back in Ventura in 2 weeks with our bent up wheels on the car to see if they will straighten out when hit on the other side. Thanks to Chuck, Russell, Paula and Dennis, my crew for this race.

September 8, 2001

We ran our claimer motor and IMCA tires against open motors, sprint car motors, sticky tires and even sprint car tires. We stayed out of major trouble and got 5th out of 19 cars. Not too bad for a rookie driver and a green crew. Thanks Chuck and Robert.

August 25, 2001

This was the final points race for 2001 so our plan was to just keep the car on the track. We got 4th in the race and finished the season in 4th place. Not too bad for a rookie driver and a new crew. Chuck and Robert did a great job this year.

August 18, 2001

Still haven't figured out the steering problem. It may be from a bent frame. T is starting to crash my car more than I do. He also took out a wheel in this race. We managed to salvage a 3rd out of this race. We'll do better next race.

August 11, 2001

The new motor is strong. I hope it lasts long enough to get the old motor back in. We'll probably put the new cam in the old motor. The track was horrible. Rocks, ruts and holes. This new motor will go a little faster on a better track. Thanks to Chuck and Robert we got 6th for the night and bumped up to 4th in the points.

August 4, 2001

The car was running good all night, until lap 17 of the main when it blew up. So we got 10th instead of 3rd. We'll put the backup motor in for next week. Thanks to crew Chuck, Robert and Paula.

July 21, 2001

Thanks to Mike C. we're finally starting to get the chassis hooked up. With the chassis hooked the Brunson motor is starting to show it's potential. Now if I could just drive the car perfectly, maybe we'll get a main event win. Third place for this race was great though. Chuck, Robert and Bryan kept everything running smooth in the pits. Paula did a great job videotaping the race, love you. Thanks again Mike.

July 7, 2001

Another race where we got to drive the car on to the trailer. I was running a prety strong 2nd in the main when the track fell out from underneath me. I did one of my patented 360 spins between 3 and 4. I never even downshifted. Other, more experienced drivers, were spinning too so I guess it wasn't too bad. I'd sure like to get the rear end to stick a little better on the dry-slick tracks though. Congrats to Jim for his 3rd place finish. Thanks Chuck and Jarred for the help in the pits.

June 23, 2001

The race was not too eventful. The car spent the week getting the rear-end straightened so I couldn't do too much on the chassis set-up. A hood-pin fell out and the hood kept me from seeing the entire heat. I knew there were a couple of cars in front of me, but I could only see them when they went around the turns. The race started on a slimy wet track. A group of cars behind me only made it to turn one and decided to spin and crash. The restart went a little smoother and the race was rather uneventful the entire time. A little more set-up and maybe a cam change, and maybe we'll get closer to the winner circle. Thanks Chuck and Robert. And many thanks to my wife Paula for videotaping all my races for me.

June 9, 2001

This race went a little better than last race. I decided not to crash myself out on this race. Now if I could just convince some of the other drivers not to crash me out, we'll be doing great. I finished 2nd in the heat avoiding several accidents behind me. I led the main for a while until Gary passed me. I guess whoever was behind me couldn't pass clean so they took me out in turn 2. No yellow was thrown so I went a lap down. Here is the quote from the Inside Groove - "A tap from Coffman turned Scott around on lap 7 and Scott lost a lap before he could get refired. Dutton had built a 1/4 lap lead over Smothermon when Coffman spun for a lap 9 yellow." Anyway, we ended up getting 7th place. The purse has increased at the Bakersfield Speedway so hopefully I'll get enough money to cover my fuel. Paula, Robert and Chuck did a great job in the pits. I love you Paula!!!

June 2, 2001

Wow, we finally got the motor worked out. Stock rockers really do work better than the cheap garage sale aluminum ones we had. Dave Brunson can really take a bunch of stock parts and make them run. Now all I need to do is figure out how to drive a dry-slick track. The 1st lap of the main went ok, but while leading on lap 2 I got out of shape coming out of 4. After a short trip to the infield the car spun out on to the front straight. I ended up parked, driver side facing the entire field. I looked up and saw a couple of cars coming at me fast. I closed my eyes. When my car came to a stop after the impact, I looked around to see if everything important was still attached. After restarting the car, and being sent to the back of the field, I realized the rear-end was knocked out again. We restarted single file and I saw Rick go out the exit gate at speed. The race was red flagged. We finally got rolling again and as soon as the green was coming out, I got a right front flat. Chuck and Jarred did a great job, but the spare had gone flat too. We aired the spare up and I was running again. As soon as I got on the track I knew we weren't going to move forward too fast with the busted rear-end. Then Troy spun in front of me and I stalled the motor. End of race, the earlier crash also knocked out the battery. Thanks to T&L Batteries for the support. Also thanks to Jarred for helping us in the pits.

May 19, 2001

The new fuel pump didn't arrive yet so we made due with what we had. I think once we get this fuel/carb thing sorted out we'll run a lot better. The car didn't run too good during the heat and we went from the front to the back. In the main we started near the back of 18 cars. Green flag, turn one, and amazingly, everyone made it through. That didn't last long. Next time around cars start piling up in turn one. I slow and move toward the bottom of the track. I didn't slow fast enough and soon I have no place to go but sideways into Rick. Everyone gets rolling and we get the green again. Some of the fast cars are passing me and I'm passing some of the slower cars. As I'm catching Jim, I guess I get too excited. for some unknown reason, the car just spins coming off turn 2. Couldn't be driver error, but I better get going again. I keep my foot on the throttle and grab 1st gear. Pointing back in the general diriction of traffic, I get 2nd gear and head back into the fray. We run to about lap 15 with no yellows. Then my motor loses power in a serious way. I look at the guages and the water temp is running over 280. Buck and Steve plow into the back of my car and remove my rear bumper. I start to look for a way off the track and a yellow is thrown for 'debris' on the track. I decide to stay on the track. I run my fuel up to full pressure and the temp starts going down. The rest of the race is uneventful and we finish in 8th place, still 5th in points, 1 point behind 4th. Chuck and Robert did a great job crewing. Thanks to Dale and Paula for taking photos.

May 12, 2001

The motor is running better now. The carb is a little overjetted. After we get the car back together, we should have that fixed soon. The race was a little short. About 16 laps short. I started on the outside pole next to Bill. The green flag flew and while trying to stay out of trouble Gary passed both Bill and I for the lead. I decided to follow Gary and went underneath Bill for 2nd. Then came Rick. As he tried to pass he went sideways in front of me. About the same time Phil plowed me from behind right into Rick. Buck had nowhere to go but right into the back of me. Between Rick in the front and Phil and Buck behind, the car got torn up at both ends. The right tie-rod was bent 90 degrees at one end and broken in half at the other end. The rear-end was knocked loose with a busted panhard bar (which we didn't know until after the race). After trying to drive through all this and scraping the wall, I decide something was wrong. As I turned to the right to pull off the track, the car went left. I parked until the tow truck hauled me to the hot lane. My crew Chuck and Robert, as well as Dave and George Brunson, Laura Yeager, and everyone else who helped, did a great job of getting the spare tie-rod back on and me back out on the track. I came back on a yellow flag and could feel something major was wrong with the rear end of the car. When the green came out and I stood on the throttle, I just knew the car was going to come apart. I just closed my eyes and stood on it. I couldn't negotiate the turns very well, so I kept an eye on the leaders. As long as I could see them in front of me, I knew I wouldn't be in their way. There were only about 2 laps left and I ended up in 13th place. The crew did a great job. Thanks Ron and Nora (Paula's parents).

May 5, 2001

Things are starting to look better. I think we've finally figured out the motor problems. Now we just have to fix it. The car started and ran great in the pits, like always. Then as I pulled on to the track is when it started running bad. Halfway through mudpacking it started to get hot. I pulled to the pits. Hotlaps it was back to the miss in the engine again. In the heat Kenny decided to rearrange the rear bodywork again. I pulled off after about 4 laps because the engine is almost not running anymore. We finally figured out the problem before the main. We can't fix it but we try to mend it for the race. Big thanks to my new crew Chuck W. and Robert M. The car runs great when the green flag drops. I totally missed the setup on the chassis. I thought the track would go dryslick but it doesn't. Heavy push, hard to drive. I find myself in 2nd place for a while, but the officials and some bumping from behind (Rick) put me back to 5th. The motor starts dropping off near the end of the race. On the last lap Buck trys to pass and I stand on the throttle as hard as I can. The wall comes out a little and scrapes my right rear wheel but I don't think it does any damage. The officials give the spot to Buck, but it sure looked close to me. After a DQ in one of the positions in front of me, I get 5th place. This moves me up to 5th in the points.

April 14, 2001

The motor is still running flat. During the heat everyone drove around me except Troy. He drove into me, then passed. In the main I started about 2/3's back on the inside. After a false start, we tried again. Turn 4, green flag, sparks on the wall, back off, BLAM. Bill cuts right across my bow and takes my right front wheel off. Of course I didn't know this yet so I stayed in the throttle and spun a 360 and head for turn 1, turn left, car goes right, and I end the race about 2 feet from the wall. They tow me to the hot lane where we spend the remainder of the race trying to find and change a ball joint. Thanks Paula, Robert, Laura, Dave and everyone else who helped. - Damage report: 2 new upper ball joints, 2 new upper a-arms, lower ball joint, lower a-arm, tie-rod. We picked up Union 76 Firebird Oil and T&L Batteries as new sponsors.

March 31, 2001

The week didn't start off too well. The new motor was a little late due to a broken piston ring. Wednesday night as we were putting in the motor, we broke the transmission in half because we were installing the engine wrong. We won't make that mistake again. I have to thank Dave Brunson of Brunson Bros. Automotive for building my new engine and helping me get it in and running. Thursday we get the transmission welded back together and the motor and trans installed, properly, in the car. The engine won't start again. Just like last time at the track. Dave tracks it down to a broken fuel pump. I guess the pump didn't care that it was brand new and cost $130. After borrowing a pump from Jim Deines, we finally get the motor started. Then things get worse. The rocker studs are stripping and it won't hold a valve adjustment. We work with it Friday, not realizing that it is rocker studs. Saturday we figure out it is the stud, but no one in town that is still open has any. At 3pm at my house, we put in half a set of stock rockers, and half a set of cheap roller tips, with stock nuts, hoping it will hold. We get to the track and figure out it isn't going to work. Too late now, time to go race. Jim and Lyn are pitting for me and Dave is running around to all of his cars. Jim gets the carburetor dialed in better to the working fuel pump. They call us for mud packing. I make exactly 1/2 lap and the car stops moving. I figure it is a split transmission line. I coast towards the track exit but don't have enough speed to make it off the track. After getting pulled back to the pits, I tell Jim it is a transmission line. He finds the hole. The driveshaft had contacted the line and put a hole in it about 8" from the fitting. Jim cuts the line, reattaches the end, and we are on our way again. Hot laps are called and Dave wants me to break in the motor so I am barely putting around the track, not realizing that Kenny F. is trying to pass me. He must have forgotten where his gas pedal is. After the yellow comes out I notice his nose peeking underneath me so I go up to the wall to give him all the room he needs and I slow down. SLAM! He forgets that yellow means slow, and that we normally turn left in turn 1. 1st body damage of the night. It's definitely not the last damage of the night though. The heat comes up and 5 cars show up. I figure just take it easy on the motor and cruise. Green flag, motor decides to lose adjustment on a few more valves. Time to cruise. 2 of the cars behind me pass. Near the end of the heat, I am closing in on the last place car, so I new I was faster than at least 1 car out there. Jim changes the oil and readjusts the valves. In the main I start 2nd row, inside, out of 11 cars. Coming out of 4 for the start, no green. I feel there is going to be a restart, but I'm not letting off the gas until I see the yellow. Finally the yellow comes out and I thread my way between the cars in front of me. I guess they knew it was a false start before I did. Back in position, green, go! Coming out of 2, a way over powered cars comes underneath me, then comes up and over the top of me as he hits my front wheel. He spins one direction, and I spin off the track, then back out across the track. As I see Steve S. coming directly at me, I'm thinking 'This is going to hurt'. Luckily he just clips the front end. The yellow car that took us out is sent to the back of the pack, and I am put back into my position. As the next green comes out, I don't realize that my front end is so bent. The car heads straight for the wall, and BAM. No use slowing down now, the damage has already been done. As I go into turn 1, I have a feeling the right rear may be flat. My suspicion is confirmed when the rear-end of the car passes me up. Luckily they through a yellow flag. I head for the pits and Jim, Lyn and Dave are there waiting. The car goes up, new tire, comes back down, and the officials tell us we can't go back out until we get a mudplug in the wheel. Dale, Dave's son, runs back to the truck and gets a plug. 4 laps later I'm back in action. The race goes relatively uneventful. I pass 2 cars. Then on the last Lap Rick J. decides to pass me and gets hung up on the front of my car. He's heading towards the wall. I figure I can go get stuck on the wall with him, or I can just drive through him and let him deal with the wall himself. I pick option 'B' and finally get my first checkered flag. The motor was a little down on power, and I didn't exactly do all the laps, but I finished. I figure a few more laps under my belt, getting rid of the miss in the engine, valves, distributor, ground, fuel pump, all of the above??? and I may actually start getting some top 5 finishes. - Damage report: Destroyed brand new beadlock wheel and possibly the tire. The frame is bent and broken in the front. Paula did a great job getting the front body straightened up. The new rocker arm studs are in, hopefully that will help.

March 3, 2001

Went to the first race of 2001. The first race that I hoped to complete more than 1 lap. The day didn't start well. The car wouldn't start. Fuel wasn't reaching the carb. After an hour everyone trying if finally started. Thanks Jim and Roy. My crew for the night consisted of Jim and Lyn Deines, my brother Russell and my father-in-law Ron Halvorson. They did an excellent job and were the key factor for me getting through this race. The car ran great during hot laps and my heat. Somewhere between the beginning and the end of my heat, I actually got the feeling I may be able to drive this car. I felt I was ready for the main event and started in my 7th place position instead of the back. The green flag dropped and Gary D. decided to drive through the back of my car. I just held my line and kept going. Didn't seem to slow me down, but it sure tore up the back of the car. As I was learning to drive an IMCA Modified for the first time, I had several adventures during the race. I came close to the wall a few times. I spun once while coming up fast on the guy in front of me. I got passed, I passed others. I was running 6th most of the race and finally passed for 5th. Half a lap later a yellow came out and I was regulated back to my 6th place position. When the last green came out, I was catching the pack in front of me when on lap 18 the engine decided to let go. I ended up in 8th position and have a feeling that I will move towards the front in future races.

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